Innovative Livestock & Agricultural Equipment Solutions

Experience innovative solutions at Mill Iron Diamond that satisfy a range of requirements for sophisticated agricultural equipment, grass-fed beef, and livestock needs.

About Us

Established in 1998, Mill Iron Diamond is a longstanding contributor to the West Texas’s cattle industry. With over 25 years of experience, we specialize in producing top-quality Angus bulls and grass-fed beef. Our offerings extend beyond livestock to include premium hay, seed, and agricultural equipment. We take pride in our commitment to U.S.A. manufacturing, ensuring the reliability of our products 24/7, 365 days a year. Guided by principles of diligence, morality, integrity, and value, our commitment to quality resonates from the heart of West Texas to global markets.

Products We Offer

Portable Tub

Wrangler Portable Corrals



Striving for Consumer-Centric Quality

Our mission is to continuously develop high-quality goods that satisfy and trust customers.

Commercial Angus Bulls

Our expertise is in raising Commercial Angus Bulls, which demonstrates our steadfast dedication to great livestock. Our Angus bulls embody quality, carefully selected for robust health and desirable traits.

We take satisfaction in providing resources that help cattle producers succeed. These bulls are evidence of our commitment to offering premium livestock and supporting the success of operations in the ever-changing field of commercial agriculture.



Portable Cattle Facilities

Our Portable Cattle Facilities at Mill Iron Diamond redefine convenience. Designed with contemporary livestock operations in mind, their focus is on functionality and safety. Our facilities guarantee stress-free cattle handling and are designed for on-the-go setups. Our dedication to caring for animals is clear because we are innovators. These portable solutions offer a flexible, efficient, and comfortable environment for our cattle. Our facilities can accommodate various needs, ranging from short-term setups to dynamic operations. Our dedication to continuous improvement is demonstrated by the effectiveness of Mill Iron Diamond’s portable cattle facilities, which provide cattle ranchers with more comfort and convenience in their day-to-day operations.

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